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This revolutionary approach combines the ancient wisdom of the Yog-Vedantic teachings, with contemporary Breathless Expeditions breathwork, to create a very transformative experience.
In these times when there is an emphasis on the physical practices of yoga, it is easy to forget that yoga is an ancient science of Self- Mastery, connection, and evolution.

Himalayan Breathwork incorporates various elements such as Hatha Yoga, meditation, pranayama (yogic breathing), Kriya (breathwork with action) mantra, and mudras, offering a comprehensive journey of self discovery, personal growth, and profound transformation.

Himalayan Kundalini Kriya is a breathwork practice that allows us to expand our consciousness at such a rapid speed. We can evolve and lean in the direction of growth very quickly, resulting in a much more fulfilling balanced life. With these ancient teachings, we truly learn to harness the power of our mind and energy, and by doing so, we become the master of our own nervous system.
Each guided experience or breathwork journey is designed with a specific intention, incorporating Kundalini Kriya, pranayama, asana, mantra, movement and more, creating a transformative and integrative yogic journey, that leads to a profound metamorphosis. Himalayan Breathwork not only offers huge health benefits, but also specifically aids in personal growth, transformation, and awakening to our full potential. It opens the door to full value living, transcends the isolated Self, and delves into the essence of who we truly are.


Explore the modalities

Breathless Expeditions Breathwork

Western Breathwork brings 40 years of research with a combined experience of decades of teachings and clinical work. Applying breathwork in a clinical therapeutic intervention, that focuses on a powerful and proven application in the modern world.

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Kundalini Kriya

Himalayan Kundalini Kriya is a transformative breathwork practice that combines ancient Yog-Vedantic teachings with contemporary methods. This practice involves specific breathing techniques, movement, and meditation to rapidly expand consciousness and promote growth. Originating from the Himalayas over 5000 years ago, Kriya was introduced to the West by Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda. It enhances concentration, reduces anxiety and depression, and improves overall well-being by tapping into the life force energy residing in the spine. Our guided Kriya sessions integrate pranayama, asana, mantra, and mudras, creating a comprehensive and transformative yogic journey.

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Hatha Yoga – Asana

Hatha Yoga focuses on physical postures designed to increase strength, flexibility, and balance. Each pose is held for several breaths, allowing for deep stretching and alignment. This practice not only improves physical health but also promotes mental clarity and relaxation. Hatha Yoga is a foundational element of our integrated breathwork sessions, providing a balanced approach to well-being. By incorporating Hatha Yoga, we help participants enhance their physical and mental resilience, making it an essential part of our holistic approach to health and wellness.

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Pranayama is the practice of controlled breathing techniques used to enhance the flow of prana, or life force, within the body. It promotes relaxation, improves focus, and supports overall health. Different breathing techniques are taught to expand prana into the physical and energy body, offering significant physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. In our workshops, Tanya and Starley guide participants through various pranayama exercises, explaining their effectiveness in reducing stress, improving sleep, and enhancing well-being. These simple yet powerful techniques have lasting effects, making pranayama a crucial component of our breathwork practices.

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Mantra involves the repetition of sacred sounds to invoke specific energetic responses. Chanting mantras in a different language from one’s native tongue can improve memory, neurological health, and brain function. In our sessions, we use mantras to enhance meditation, focus, and energy flow. The practice of mantra is deeply rooted in ancient yogic traditions, providing a powerful tool for personal transformation and spiritual growth. By incorporating mantras, we help participants tap into deeper states of consciousness and cultivate a profound sense of inner peace and clarity.

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Mudras are yogic gestures practiced with the hands and fingers to direct energy flow within the body. These gestures enhance concentration and support various physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Each mudra has a specific purpose, and we work with many different mudras throughout our journeys, particularly in kriya and meditation practices. Mudras help participants deepen their meditation, improve focus, and balance their energy. By incorporating mudras into our sessions, we provide a holistic approach to achieving greater well-being and self-mastery.

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Nada Yoga

Nada Yoga, or the Yoga of Sound, explores the deep connection between sound and the body, mind, and spirit. Using Tibetan sound bowls, we create beautiful sounds and vibrations that promote relaxation and bliss. Nada Yoga involves both external sounds (Anata Nada) and internal sounds (Anahata Nada), allowing participants to experience profound states of meditation and inner peace. By focusing on sound, Nada Yoga enhances the overall breathwork experience, supporting deep relaxation, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. This practice is a vital part of our integrated approach to holistic health and well-being.